Are there any download limits?

Category: Subscription

Please check the download limits for the different users as follows:

Free user:
As a free user, you have a limit of download numbers per day, and it varies for each of our services:

- IllustAC and SilhouetteAC: in the total of 9, the maximum numbers of downloads for AI, ESP, and PNG files in total are 1.

PhotoAC: in the total of 9, the maximum numbers of downloads for M (Medium), L (Large), and PSD files in total are 1.

- DesignAC: in the total of 5, the number of downloads for web banners, web templates, and PowerPoint is limited to only one time per day.

If you want to extend this limit, you need to purchase one of our Premium subscriptions.

Premium user:
As a Premium user, you have no limit of downloads per day.
We want to allow our users to download a high number of resources. However, to avoid an irresponsible use of our resources, once your downloads exceed 1000 times, your account will be halted from downloading for 1 or 2 hours.

We feel that the number of downloads permitted is enough for most of our users but we understand that, in specific situations, you may need to download more resources and that still might be in accordance with our terms of use.
If you think this applies to you, please contact us explaining your situation and we will be happy to help.

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